Sea Salt Fertilizer For Broad-Spectrum Nutrition

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Once upon a time, there was a doctor who got curious.

A lot of stories about important organic gardening discoveries actually start out this way, since nutrition deeply affects human health, and our nutrition is strongly influenced by what we feed our plants.

In this case, the doctor was Dr. Maynard Murray – also a biochemist and research scientist – and the setting was Chicago in the 1940s and ‘50s.

In his medical practice, Dr. Murray noticed that while modern medicine had extended lifespan, cancer, chronic illness and degenerative diseases were on the rise. He wrote that “Americans hold the dubious distinction of being among the sickest of populations in modern society.”

Dr. Murray noticed that unlike modern Americans, sea animals had few if any of these conditions. While freshwater lake trout consistently developed liver cancer at 5 years old, sea trout didn’t.

He surmised that one important reason for this might be that animals in the sea were literally swimming in a constant supply of balanced nutrients, including trace elements, in exactly the proportions most beneficial to life.

In contrast, agricultural soils were becoming more and more depleted of trace elements through the destructive processes of industrial agriculture.

Even without the effects of modern farming, rainwater constantly leaches minerals from land masses into rivers, and eventually into the sea, which becomes a nutrient-dense reservoir of everything needed for life.

Dr. Murray reasoned that by adding balanced nutrition to the soil, plants would take up these nutrient elements and pass them on to the humans who eat them, thereby improving our resistance to disease.

So he began experimenting with applying sea water, and later sea salt fertilizer, directly to the soil.

His results were impressive right from the outset.

It turned out that adding sea salt as fertilizer to the soil not only increased plant growth and improved yield, but also resulted in healthier, more nutritious plants with greater resistance to pests and diseases. They even had higher levels of vitamins and sugars, making them tastier and slower to decay.

But would this translate to improved health for animals consuming these plants? Again, his theories were borne out by his research.

He found that eating plants grown with sea salt fertilizer lowered rates of cancer among mice who had been bred to develop breast cancer and die.

The mice who ate plants raised with sea minerals not only lived longer and were healthier than the control group, but had five times as many litters!

If this isn’t big news in a time of rising cancer and degenerative disease rates and rapidly declining human fertility rates, maybe it should be.

A common question that comes up with sea minerals is about the salt. After all, hasn’t salinization turned millions of hectares around the world into desert?

It’s true that excess sea salt in soil can be a serious problem. But it seems that the sodium in sea water, present in balanced proportions with other minerals, is just fine. In fact, our soil needs a little sodium.

Dr. Murray died in 1984, believing that all of his research had come to nought because mainstream agriculture had failed to embrace his theories, while the incidence of chronic disease and cancer in humans continued to rise.

Fortunately, his work and sea salt fertilizer has been increasingly embraced by the organic agriculture community.

And a few small suppliers like me continue to make this powerful biostimulant available to folks like you, so we can grow thriving plants with nutrition straight from the sea.

Check out my sea salt fertilizer if you think you might wanna try it out.