Blackstrap Molasses

I no longer sell molasses — apologies for any inconvenience. Fortunately, it is usually available in health food stores, or can be found with sweeteners and baking supplies at your local supermarket. Blackstrap non-sulphured molasses is best — sulphur is a preservative added to kill microorganisms, and therefore is not helpful for use in the garden. Organic and fair trade is nice, but regular will do, as long as it is unsulphured.

Blackstrap molasses provides a very important source of carbohydrates for the microbes in your organic garden.

It also has many macro and micronutrients. It really can be considered both a biostimulant and an organic fertilizer.

It is an essential component in activating EM, as well as in making bokashi, and is particularly useful in a foliar feed to help the liquid stick to plant surfaces. Many of the professional soil consultants I study are using a carbohydrate source in their foliar sprays, and this is one of the best. It is therefore often applied with EM, mycorrhizal fungi, compost tea and other organic fertilizers.

Blackstrap Molasses Application

Molasses is mixed with water in a watering can or sprayer.

It helps to dissolve it in some warm water first.

It is preferably applied in smaller, regular doses, such as monthly or bi-weekly, at 2 gallons/acre (170mL/1000sqft). When applied with EM, it is often mixed at a “1 part EM to 1 part molasses” ratio.